
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Squirrel Baffle

 A squirrel baffle for a 4x4 inch post. Made from aluminum flashing.

    Do you have trouble with squirrels or raccoons getting into your bird feeder?  I have had this bird feeder for many years but always had a problem with squirrels eating most of the bird seed. One or two of these ingenious little critters can totally decimate your bird feeder in very little time. I have tried all kinds of tricks to keep them out but to no avail. They simply out-smarted me every time!
     Finally last summer one day I had had it with the squirrels. In total frustration I went into the basement and grabbed a roll of aluminum flashing that had been there for years.

                        I then proceeded to whack off two pieces of of the stuff with a pair of tin snips.

     The aluminum was 8 inches wide and I cut pieces roughly 20 inches long. I cut a couple of pieces of wood from a 1x2in board. I cut 2 pieces of board 4 inched long and 2 pieces 6 inches long. Then I grabbed a handful of galvanized nails and my hammer and went up to the Battle of the Bird Feeder.  First I attached a piece of flashing right to the post. All the way around. It is about 3 1/2 feet off the ground.Next I attached the rest of stuff to the post like this:

   I have to admit I did not really have much faith in my efforts because I had been beaten and out maneuvered so many  times before. Much to my surprise I have not had one squirrel in my bird feeder since nailing the flashing to the post. Victory is sweet.
  So remember this the next time you are feeling defeated, overcome and out maneuvered:
  God made you alive with Christ. Forgiving you of your sins. Then he cancelled the written code with its written regulations that was against you and that was opposed to you. It is nailed to the cross.
Colossians 2:14
Victory is sweet.